Monday, October 1, 2012

HP cast

This is my views of the Harry Potter cast.
Harry: They could never, EVER, have picked a better Harry than Daniel Radcliff.
Ron: I loved Ron so much!!!!!!!!! He was perfict!!!!! Go Rupert Grint!!!!!
Hermione: I loved Hermione, she was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!
Draco: PERFECT, and HOT!!!!!
Dean: I think they could've chosen someone better
Seamus: OMG his character was HILLARIOUS!!! Especially in the first one :D
Voldemort: YES! OMG YES!!!!!! The man who played Voldemort was PERFECT!!!!!!
Dumbledore (3rd-8th movies): I loved him!!! I think he was better than the other man that died in Chamber of Secrets. He was more......... I don't know......... I just hink he was better.
McGonnagle (sorry if I spelt it wrong, I'm a terrible speller): She was perfect, but I think she could've been a little more strict :D
Umbridge: She didn't look like a toad :(
Filch: He was basically a blonde throughout the entire series. I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm a blonde too, and proud of it, people are just jealous cuz they don't have awesome NATURAL hair like ours ;D
Crabbe: He was just plain STUPID!!! IT WAS PERFECT!!!!
Goyle: He didn't really say much, but I think he was pretty good.
Pansy Parkinson: She didn't appear until the last movie, which kinda made me sad, I wanted her and Draco to have a fling, I'm not a shipper of Dramione by the way.
Snape: He's the perfect Snape, and "Always." will be.
Mad-Eye Moody: I think he was perfect, I just didn't imagine him so strict. I imagined him more....... Layed back
Sirius: PERFECT, that's all I have to say.
Tonks: I wish she wouldn't go so....... You know, not change so early in it. She just randomly turned boring after the fifth one, and no one could recognize her.
Luna: I LOVED HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Hagrid: I imagined him taller, but other than that PERFECT!!!
I guess that's it!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me, I guess O.o

I am now an admin on like 5 different Harry Potter pages on facebook :D I love adminning, and if you need an admin on a page or whatever, I'd be happy to help!!!!!! :D Just tell me your name and give me a link to the page :D
So, I feel like you guys don't knkow much about me!!! So here's some facts about me:
I LOVE to write stories, fan fics, whatever!!! You should follow me on quotev: Elizabeth. Friend me on Pottermore: OwlStrike451. Follow me on twitter: Elizabeth :D Like me on Facebook!!!!!!!! I have too many pages to link, so I won't tell you but 2: &
I'm 13, almost 14
Harry Potter is basically my entire life, hense the name :D
I LOVE emoticons :D this one was random.
I live in the US, but I LOVE Itallian food <3 Lasgana is my fav!!!!!!!!!
I've read The Hunger Games, and I LOVED it, but Harry Potter is still WAY better <3
"Always." Is probably my favorite quote, either that, or "Why does it have to be spiders? Why can't it be follow the butterflies?" <3
I can't really think of anything else, but you can ask me whatever as long as it's appropriate :D
I guess that's all!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!